Member-only story
【獨家爆料】 一線醫務人員首次披露:「 我在武漢中南醫院看見一千多具屍體」 — Jennifer’s World
Q 問: So i just call you Larry, right? 我就叫你拉里(Larry),对吗?
A 答:Okay. 好的。
Q問: Larry tell us where were you during the Wuhan pandemic? 拉里,请告诉我们,武汉疫情期间你在哪里?
A答 : I was right at the epicenter. I was in I was right at the epicenter. I was in 我就在疫情中心。
Q問:What were you doing there, and exactly when were you there? 我在武汉中南医院。 你在那里做什么?你在那里的确切时间是?
A答 : I was there from the end of January till the end of march. 从一月底到三月底我都在那里。
Q問:So you worked there for two months? 所以你在那里工作了两个月?
A答 : Yes, I worked there for two months. 是的,我在那里工作了两个月。
Q問: As a doctor or as a nurse? What was your role? 作为医生还是护士? 你的角色是什么?
A答 : That part I cannot say. But I have been with medical practitioners. 这部分我不能说,但是我与医务人员在一起。