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Reading Guide to the “Quote of My Daughter” Series 《女兒語錄》後記 — Jennifer’s World
When I started writing the “ Quote of My Daughter” series, it was pretty much just to share some fun moments with my Facebook friends. However, as the writing evolved, I gradually realized how my daughter’s young life, which began in 1992, the same year when Falun Gong was first introduced to public, was so tightly connected and interwoven with the spreading and then the persecution of Falun Gong, with the persecution still going on after nearly 18 years. When the crackdown first started in 1999, my daughter was only 6 years old. But her life was turned upside down overnight.
我開始動筆寫此《 女兒語錄》系列時,只是爲了與朋友們分享女兒幼小生命中一些有趣的「語錄」和片斷。然而,一篇篇寫下去時,我慢慢意識到,女兒年輕的生命,與 法輪功 的洪傳與其後遭受的殘酷迫害緊緊地聯繫並交織在了一起:女兒是1992年底出生的,法輪功是當年5月首次被介紹給公衆。1999年中共開始鎮壓法輪功時,女兒只有6歲,但她的生活一夜之間就全都變了樣。
When my writing arrived at this stage of her life, I also started to look at her life experiences as a reflection of what happened in the bigger world surrounding Falun Gong: its introduction and wide spreading, the persecution, the lies, the sufferings, the persistence, the human spirit and truth’s triumph over the suppression and vicious lies, and how goodness and kindness will eventually overcome all the evil…