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Quote of My Daughter(22) 女兒語錄(22) — Jennifer’s World
In November 2004, several days before my daughter’s 12th birthday, the Epoch Times newspaper published the “ Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party “, detailing the historical crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its evil nature. As a result, many Chinese people started publishing their announcements to quit the Communist Party and its related organizations.
2004年11月,在女兒12歲生日數日之前, 大紀元網站發表了震撼雄文《 九評共產黨 》,詳述共產黨的歷史罪行和邪惡本質,並由此引發了海內外華人退出共產黨、共青團和少先隊的「三退」大潮。時至今日(2021年3月),三退總人數已超過3億7千零3百萬。
As the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” are very long and “heavy” commentaries articles, I never expected that my 12-year-old daughter would be interested in reading them.
However, to my surprise, she not only read all of the articles in full, but also discussed with me whether she also needed to publish a quit CCP declaration. I was again shocked by her enlightenment quality; and I happily said, “Yes. What do you want to say? I can type it for you.”