Jennifer’s Photo Stories (7) 曾錚的圖片故事(7) — Jennifer’s World

Jennifer Zeng
1 min readMar 4, 2018

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This rare and precious family photo was taken when I was five. My mother was holding my sister, who was less than one year old. Others in the photo are my father, my grandfather, my step-grandmother, and my mother’s two half-brothers.


My mother’s biological parents divorced when she was only a one-year-old child. She was then adopted by her uncle. So my mother always said she had three pairs of parents to look after: her adoptive parents, her biological father and his second wife; as well as her biological mother and her second husband. My mother had always been on good terms with everyone in the huge and complicated families. Life was very tough, but she was even tougher; always trying to stay on top of everything.



Read all 閱讀《曾錚的圖片故事》全系列

For full version of Jennifer’s story, please click here:

3/14/2017 *

Originally published at on March 4, 2018.



Jennifer Zeng
Jennifer Zeng

Written by Jennifer Zeng

Video creator at &, Writer at 自媒體人,網站及油管频道網址如前。願自己和世界更美好。

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