Jennifer’s Photo Stories (27) 曾錚的圖片故事(27) — A Sad Moment in My Life 憂傷的歲月

Jennifer Zeng
Aug 28, 2018

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Jennifer at a lake near Huangshan, in 1995. 曾錚1995年底攝於黃山附近。

At that time I just finished a failed course of Chinese medicine treatment in Henan Province. I had been taken very bitter Chinese medicine soup for months. But the treatment failed to cure my Hepatitis C. With a burdened heart I visited Huangshan. The beautiful scenery failed to impress me, as I was in a very bad mood.

那時我剛剛結束了寄居河南親戚家中治病的日子。幾個月苦澀的中藥喝下來,我的肝病沒有半點起色。回到北京一查肝功能,轉氨酶又上去了。我帶著超標的轉氨酶,和一顆沉甸甸的心遊歷了黃山。然而我憂鬱的眼中,沒看到什麼壯麗的景色 — 對於黃山,我今日的記憶,依然只有當日的沉重心情。

I don’t know what would happen to me if I had not taken up Falun Gong later. Maybe the sadness in my eyes would never go away.

我真不知如果後來我沒有修煉 法輪功 ,我的生命,將陷入如何更加悲慘的境地。

8/28/2018 *

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For the full version of Jennifer’s story, please click here:

Originally published at on August 28, 2018.



Jennifer Zeng

Video creator at &, Writer at 自媒體人,網站及油管频道網址如前。願自己和世界更美好。