Member-only story
Jennifer’s Photo Stories (26) 曾錚的圖片故事(26) — The Question I Ask & The Question I Fail to Ask 那個我問出的及那個我未能問出的問題
In September 2007, leaders from 21 Asia-Pacific nations and thousands of delegates and journalists gathered in Sydney for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. Sydney had thus become the focal point of the world’s attention.
2007年9月,來自二十一個國家的領導及數千名各國記者及代表團成員齊聚悉尼,參加或報導那一年的亞太經合會議 (APEC) 。悉尼一下成了世界注目的焦點。
On September 6, 2007, Alexander Downer, the then Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, was going to host the first large-scale press conference about APEC; and I was going to attend the conference as a reporter of New Tang Dynasty Television.
9月6日,是當時的澳洲外長唐納(Alexander Downer)召開亞太經合會以來第一次大型新聞發布會。我作爲 新唐人電視臺 記者要去參加發布會。
I was not sure how the press conference would be like, or whether I would have the opportunity to ask any questions. I knew that there must be hundreds of journalists at the conference; and everyone would want to ask questions.
But I did have prepared a question though, a question which I believed was very important to ask. Fearing that I would be too nervous to speak in English, which is only…